
Inadditioneffectivehearingandcommunicationskillsarealsorequired,ascontrollersmustclearlyunderstandandtransmitinformationunderhigh-stress ...AirTrafficController(band)·1981PATCOStrike·AviationEnglish·Natc,Entryrequirements·5GCSEsatgrades9to4(A*toC),orequivalent,includingEnglishandmaths,foranadvancedapprenticeship·4or5GCSEsatgrades9to ...,Aspiringairtrafficcontrollersmusthaveacollegedegreeandthr...

Air traffic controller

In addition effective hearing and communication skills are also required, as controllers must clearly understand and transmit information under high-stress ... Air Traffic Controller (band) · 1981 PATCO Strike · Aviation English · Natc

Air traffic controller

Entry requirements · 5 GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C), or equivalent, including English and maths, for an advanced apprenticeship · 4 or 5 GCSEs at grades 9 to ...

Air traffic controllers:Requirements

Aspiring air traffic controllers must have a college degree and three years of aviation-related work experience or have completed an aviation-related program.

Air Traffic Control Specialist (1C131)

You must be 17–42 years of age, a U.S. citizen and obtain a qualifying ASVAB score. High School Students may start their application as early as the end of ...

Air Traffic Controllers

They also must be a U.S. citizen, submit to medical and background checks, and complete training at Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ...

How to become an air traffic controller

You will need five GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C) including English and Maths to be eligible for an entry level apprenticeship, or a good first degree to ...

Air Traffic Controller Hiring

3 天前 · Be a U.S. citizen · Speak English fluently and clearly · Be younger than 31 years old before the closing date of the application period · Have ...

Air Traffic Controller Qualifications

What does it take to become an Air Traffic Controller (ATC)? · Be a United States citizen · Be under the age of 31 · Pass a medical examination · Pass a ...

How To Become an Air Traffic Controller

Air traffic controllers must be certified by the FAA. You can earn certification by passing a knowledge test and practical exam and meeting the ...

NAV CANADA Air Traffic Controller

Be 18 years or older at the time of application; · Have a high school diploma, or equivalency, at the time of application; · Be a Canadian citizen or permanent ...